Tutorial on Introduction to Methods of Conducting Research in Astronomy Education

Workshop Outline

Part I -

Introduction (15 minutes) - Rebecca
What is astronomy education research?

1. Existing AER projects in both physics and astronomy
2. "Private Universe"

How does it help me meet my goals?

1. Grant Evaluation - all NASA grants have education component!
2. Improved teaching
3. Curriculum development

Part II -

Conducting Astronomy Education Research Yourself (30 minutes) Tom and Rebecca
Research Methods:

1. Research questions
2. Ultimate purpose of your inquiry -local, publication, evaluation?
3. Determining Level of inquiry
4. Assessment Techniques -Informal

a. Quick questions/ Just in Time Teaching
b. Peer instruction

5. Action Research -Formal

a. Formal interviewing - how to set up a protocol
b. Pre/ Post Testing - survey versus conceptual - Attitude and concepts
c. Authentic observation

6. Additional Resources - Sources of materials, list of references

Part III -

Group Work: Your Turn (30 minutes) Tom and Rebecca

1. Group Work -Split session roughly by size of classes and level of support teacher has (i.e. TAs) -In groups spend 15 minutes brain storming AER questions - Pick top 2 questions - decide purpose of each question - decide level of inquiry needed - design research plan

Part IV -

Conclusion and Wrap Up (15 minutes) Tom

Workshop evaluations

Copyright Kansas State University 2000 - 2001
Page Updated on March 4, 2001
For Information Contact Dr. Rebecca Lindell
For More Information Concerning this site contact Melanie Bean