Recent Talks and Papers

Invited Presentations:

"An Introduction to Astronomy Education Research", Rebecca Lindell Adrian and Tom Foster, Invited Tutorial, AAPT/ AAS 2001 Joint Winter meeting San Diego, CA.

"Overcoming Student Difficulties Understanding Celestial Motion", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, Invited Seminar, Physics Education Research Group, Kansas State University, Fall 1999.
Invited Presentations (cont.):

"Incorporating Constructivism into a Traditional Science Course: An example from Introductory Astronomy", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, Invited Presentation and Workshop for astronomy teaching assistants, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan, Fall 1999.

"Astronomy Education Research", Rebecca Lindell Adrian and Beth Hufnagel, invited workshop, Physics Education Research Conference Summer 1999 — San Antonio, Texas.

"Overcoming Student Difficulties Understanding Celestial Motion", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, Invited Talk, Addison Wesley Longman, Summer 1999.

"Applying the Results of Astronomy Education Research to the ASTR 101 Classroom: The Development of Conceptual Activities to Teach Celestial Motion", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, invited presentation, American Astronomical Society - 1999 Summer meeting Chicago, Illinois.

"Using Research-Based Activities to Enhance Non-Science Majors’ Understanding of Celestial Motions", Rebecca Lindell Adrian and Brian Adrian, Invited Presentation, Section 7 meeting of TYC21, Spring 1999.

"Using Public Outreach to Promote Astronomical Understanding", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, invited presentation, Prairie Astronomy Club, Lincoln Nebraska, Spring 1999.

"Integrating Collaborative Learning Groups in the Large Enrollment Lecture", Adams, Brissenden, Lindell Adrian and Slater, Invited Talk, American Astronomical Society - 1999 Winter meeting Austin, Texas.

"Promoting Conceptual Change in the Classroom", Rebecca Lindell Adrian, invited seminar, Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research Team, Montana State University, Fall 1998.

"A Qualitative Investigation of College Students' Understanding of Apparent Celestial Motions", R. Lindell Adrian, Invited Abstract, American Association of Physics Teachers 1999 Summer meeting — Lincoln, Nebraska

Invited Panelist, Physics Education Research (PER) conference, Summer 1997 — Denver, Colorado.


Copyright Kansas State University 2000 - 2001
Page Updated on March 8, 2001
For Information Contact Rebecca Lindell
For More Information Concerning this site contact Melanie Bean