Rami Arieli: "The Laser Adventure" Java Applets List
Interactive Applets on The Laser Adventure Web Site:
Creating an Image using Plane Mirror  (Image1):
These simple applet demonstrate how an image is formed by plane mirror.
Each point on the object sends beams of light in all directions.
The Applet alows you to build the image interactively, point by point (you even choose the size of the point).

Wavelength Demo and Two wavelengths (Page C1s1t1p1.htm, and C1s1t1p3.htm):

These simple applets show the student that a wavelength can be measured at any point on the wave.
Unlike all the static drawings in books, which show the wavelength as measured between two adjacent peaks of the wave.
Wave Change (in page C1s1t2p2.htm):
When a wave pass through a medium of index of refraction (n), the wavelength and velocity of the wave change, but its frequency remains unchanged.
This applet let the student change the value of n, and show the wavelength change inside the medium.
Snell’s Equation (in page C1s1t2p3.htm):
Snell’s equation includes sinus of an angle:
n1sin(q1) = n2sin(q2)
Many students do not understand the behavior of the sinus trigonometric function.
The applet allows the student to see how a change of each parameter n1, n2, q1 influence the angle q2.
Using this applet students can learn about:
  1. Critical angle.
  2. Total internal reflection".
  3. About the direction of bending of light beam when it pass from one medium into the other.
Snell Game (in page C1s1t2p3.htm):
You are in a room and you have to shoot a target in another room through a transparent glass window.
The radiation advance according to the laws of geometrical optics.
Prism (in page C1s2t1p1.htm):
When a beam of light pass through a prism, each wavelength is refracted according to the index of refraction of the material for this wavelength.
This applet enable changing the incidence angle, the angle of the prism, and the material.
A white light is disperse into the spectrum of wavelengths.
Population Inversion (in page C2s6p1.htm):
This applet is a simple short game to show how a population inversion can be achieved between two energy levels. It helps explaining the term “population inversion”.
Laser system (in page C3s5p1.htm):
This whole page is designed to explain the operation of a laser system.
Stability of Laser Cavity (in page C4s4t2p3.htm):
This applet shows how the stability of the cavity depends on the cavity parameters.
 click here Cavity Stability.
Laser Beam in an Optical Cavity (in page C4s4t2p3.htm):
This applet shows how the laser beam is built inside different cavities, and how the radius of curvature of the laser mirrors, and the cavity length, determines the beam divergence.
Click here: Beams in Laser Cavity
Laser Range Finder (in page C9s3p1.htm):
A simple demo of the operation of a laser range-finder. You measure the range to a tank on the background picture.

More Appletsdeveloped by Sergey Kiselev (used with his permission).

Single Slit Diffraction (Click Here)
Allows changing the wavelength and the slit width, and show the result on the interference patten on the screen.

Interaction of Photon with an Atom (Click Here)
Animation that shows the process of absorption and emission of photons by atom.

Laser Operation (Click Here)
Animation that shows the physical processes inside a laser.

Image Formation by Converging Lens (Click Here)
Interactive applet that enable moving the body in front of a converging lens, and the influence on the image position and size.

Image Formation by Diverging Lens (Click Here)
Interactive applet that enable moving the body in front of a diverging lens, and the influence on the image position and size.

Image Formation by Concave Mirror (Click Here)
Interactive applet that enable moving the body in front of a concave mirror, and the influence on the image position and size.

Total Internal Reflection (Click Here)
An interactive applet that allows changing the angle of radiation from a point source under water, showing the beam inside and outside the water.

You can download a Zip file of all the applets developed by Sergey. by Clicking here.
If you want the last version, you can go to Sergey's Web site.
