We will now look at wave functions for moving electrons and describe the probabilities for its location.
We have now seen how to create a wave function for a single electron. This wave function provides information about both the location and momentum of the object. However, it cannot give us exact values for either quantity. We say that the wave function leaves us with an uncertainty in position and an uncertainty in momentum for the electron.
For the moment we will concentrate on the uncertainty in position. Use the Quantum Motion program to look at the wave function of an electron moving across the computer screen.
We will use the same situation as before: · one electron, · no interactions, · no energy change
So, set the potential Height to zero, click on triangle and the square. Now press Play.
The Quantum Motion program solves Schrödinger's Equation for the situation. It puts solutions that change with time on the screen. Thus, the wave functions represent a moving electron. Press Play again and watch what happens. Describe how the wave function changes.
Return to the starting position by pressing Reset. Sketch the wave function below and indicate locations of high, medium and low probability of finding the electron.
Now, play the solution, but press Pause when the wave function reaches the middle of the screen. Again, sketch it and indicate locations of high, medium, and low probability.
Continue until the wave function is near to the right side. Once again sketch it and indicate locations of high, medium, and low probability.
Compare the three wave functions that you sketched. What changed as the electron moved?