Electrons and Momentum

We can create a wave function that represents an electron in a small region of space. To do so we must add together many different simple waves. Each simple wave has a different wavelength. Because wavelength is related to momentum, each simple wave has a different momentum.

Thus, we need many different momenta to create a wave function for one electron. We interpret this result to mean that the electron may have any one of the momenta. So, instead of having just one momentum, these localized electrons have a probability of having many different momenta. The probability of each momentum is related to the amplitude of the wave function with that momentum (Figure 6).

Figure 6: The probability of each momentum depends on the amplitude on the amplitude-momentum graph.

We must make a similar statement about position. Even when we add lots of waves with lots of different momenta, we still get a wave function similar to Figure 10-7.

Figure 7: The relative probability of finding the electron at various locations for a localized wave function.