K-SUPER Seminars: 2:30 Mondays, CW119 Dean Zollman selected for the AAPT Oersted Medal, 2014
National Awards
- Sanjay Rebello: Presidential Award for Early Career Scienctists and Engineering, 2004
- Sanjay Rebello: NSF CAREER Award, 2002
- Dean Zollman: NSF Director's Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars, 2004
- Dean Zollman: Carnegie Foundation for Teaching/CASE National Professor of the Year, 1996
- Dean Zollman: AAPT Robert A. Millikan Medal, 1996
- Dean Zollman: Distinguished Service Citation, American Association of Physics Teachers, 1986
- Dean Zollman: Fulbright Research Fellowship, 1989
- Sanjay Rebello and Dean Zollman: Included in "Success Stories on Technology in Higher Education," EDUCOM, 1991
- Wally Axmann: AAPT Apparatus Competition for Advanced Undergraduates, Second Place, 1993
- Larry Escalada: NARST Award Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, 1996
- Dean Zollman: Fellow of the American Physical Society for contributions to physics education, 1997
- Group: Outstanding Educational Software for Spectroscopy Suite presented by the AIP, 1997
- Group: Outstanding Educational Software, Honorable Mention for Semiconductor Device Simulator Suite, AIP, 1997
- Group: Award for Integration of Research and Education, National Science Foundation, 1997
- Group: Outstanding Educational Software for Energy Band Creator, AIP, 1998
- Group: Outstanding Educational Software, Honorable Mention for Scanning Tunneling Microscope Simulator, AIP, 1998
- Group: Outstanding Educational Software, Honorable Mention for Wave Function Suite, presented by the AIP, 1998
- Fulbright Research Fellowship, University of Kiel, 1998
- Sytil Murphy: AAPT Apparatus Competition, Low Cost Division, 2009
Local Awards
- Dean Zollman: William Stamey Outstanding Teaching Award, 1989
- Dean Zollman: Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award, 1992
- Dean Zollman: Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars, 1995
- Dean Zollman: Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, 1997
- Dean Zollman: KSU University Distinguished Professor, 2001
- Dean Zollman: KSU Outstanding Departmetn Head, 2007