Rami Arieli: "The Laser Adventure" Chapter 7 Section 2, page 9
7.2.3 Rayleigh Range

Rayleigh range (z0) is defined as the distance from the beam waist until the beam area is doubled (see figure 7.8).

Figure 7.8: Rayleigh Range.

At the distance of Rayleigh Range the radius of the beam W(z) is  times the radius of the beam at the beam waist W0:

 n = The index of refraction of the medium that the beam pass through.

Knowing z0, and the beam radius at z0 (W0), it is easy to calculate the beam diameter at any point z:

In the last mathematical calculation the Taylor series expansion was used:

As first approximation for z >> z0:

Thus, at large distance (z) from the beam waist, the beam radius can be approximated as a linear function of z.