Abstract Information

  Title: An Online Modern Physics Course for In-Service Teachers
  Meeting: 126th AAPT National Meeting: Austin, TX
  Location: Pecos
  Date: Monday, Jan. 13
  Time: 11:00 a.m.
  Author: Dean A. Zollman, Kansas State Univ.
785-532-1619, dzollman@phys.ksu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Kevin Zollman, Kirsten Hogg, Salomon F. Itza-Ortiz
  Abstract: For the past 15 years Kansas State University has offered a course on contemporary physics that targets secondary education majors. The course is a nonmathematical introduction to 20th century physics. In recent years in-service teachers who live primarily in rural areas and wish to upgrade their knowledge of contemporary physics have shown an interest in completing this course. To meet this need, the course has been adapted to an online format. In the present version the course involves an experiment kit that is sent to the teachers, online worksheets with a provision for frequent feedback from the instructor and visualization software. In its present version the course has been offered for about three years. During this time we have discovered both advantages and disadvantages of this instruction approach.
  Footnotes: None