Abstract Information

  Title: Physics InfoMall: The First Generation*
  Meeting: 127th AAPT National Meeting: Madison, WI
  Location: Hall of Ideas J
  Date: Monday, Aug. 4
  Time: 2:50 p.m.
  Author: Robert Fuller, Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln
402-472-2790, rfuller2@unl.edu
  Co-Author(s): Dean Zollman, S. Raj Chadhury, Evelyn T. Patterson
  Abstract: In an era of pre-Windows computer software a team of digital data pioneers attempted to take a physics database to a place where no physics database had ever been and shape it into every physics teacher's CD-ROM toolkit. The context and challenges for the work of the "toolkit" team will be described. The creation processes will be outlined. The lofty dreams for the CD-ROM tool kit will be explained. The distance between those dreams and the final commercial product, the Physics InfoMall, version 4.0, will be analyzed. That analysis will be used to propose goals for the next generations of physics digital databases.
  Footnotes: *Supported by NSF grant #MDR-9054923 and grant #MDR-9253138.