Abstract Information

  Title: The Sub-Dimensions of the Dominant Agent Model on Newton's Third Law1: Results from Student Interviews
  Meeting: 120th AAPT National Meeting: Kissimmee, FL
  Location: N/A
  Date: Monday, January 17
  Time: 1:45 p.m.
  Author: Kirsten Hogg, Kansas State Univ.
785-532-1824, khogg@phys.ksu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Lei Bao, Dean A. Zollman, Edward F. Redish
  Abstract: With Model Analysis, we studied the fine structures of student models on Newton's third law. In developing the new instruments, we conducted detailed investigations on student modeling with specific physical features such as mass, velocity, and acceleration. By isolating these physical features, we can obtain a clearer picture on the structures of student models. In this talk, we will discuss the results and our findings from our interviews with students. These results are used both as clues and as verifications for the design of our multiple-choice questions.