Abstract Information

  Title: Scientific and Cultural Aspects of the Bicycle: Investigations Using Interactive Technologies*
  Meeting: 119th AAPT National Meeting: San Antonio, TX
  Location: N/A
  Date: Friday, August 6
  Time: 8:15 a.m.
  Author: David M. Winch, Kalamazoo College
616-337-7102, winch@kzoo.edu
  Co-Author(s): Doyle Davis, Raj Chaudhury, Robert Fuller, Dean Zollman
  Abstract: "The beauty of the bicycle resides in its sincerity. It conceals nothing. All its workings are open and visible." J. Bertaut (1936) A group of ten physics educators from six countries are collaborating to produce a set of multimedia interactive lessons centered on the scientific and cultural aspects of the bicycle. We are working with students using techniques such as; digital video capture, Calculator-Based Laboratory measuring tools, Interactive Physics simulations, MathScripts, etc. to develop instructional materials. Please attend our project poster session for direct exposure to the project materials.