Abstract Information

  Title: Results from the International Bicycle Project - Germany, Finland, and Kansas*
  Meeting: 119th AAPT National Meeting: San Antonio, TX
  Location: N/A
  Date: Thursday, August 5
  Time: 6:30 p.m.
  Author: Dean A. Zollman, Kansas State Univ.
785-532-1619, dzollman@phys.ksu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Sonke Schaal, Lothar Bodingbauer, Joseph Pingenot, Jeremy Crotts
  Abstract: During the past year students from Europe visited Kansas State University to study scientific aspects of the bicycle and two students from KSU studied in Europe. The products of their efforts ranged across a broad spectrum of science and culture as it relates to the bicycle. The efforts include lessons for the secondary school in which students would collect data using portable computer based interfaces, a radio program which presents the science of the bicycle for the general public, a simulation of some of the bicycles motion and landscaping of bike paths. This variety of activity shows how students can use a bicycle to connect science, technology and culture.