Contents of the Physics InfoMall


Over 3,500 articles selected from:

BOOK Basement

A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching, Arons, A.. B., John Wiley & Sons,1990

A Guidebook for Teaching Physics, Yurkewicz, W. Jr., Allyn and Bacon, Inc.,1985

Biography of Physics, Gamow, George, Harper & Row, 1961

Crystals and Crystal Growing, A. Holden & P. Morrison, MIT Press, 1982

How Things Work, H. Richard Crane, AAPT, 1992

Knowledge and Wonder: The Natural World As Man Knows It, V. F.Weisskopf, MIT Press, 1979

On Teaching Physics, Melba Phillips, Ed., AAPT, 1979

Potpourri of Teaching Ideas, Berry (ed.), AAPT, 1986

Selected Papers of Great American Physicists: The Bicentennial Commemorative Volume of The American Physical Society 1976, Spencer R. Weart, ed., AIP, 1976

Teaching High School Physics, Kutliroff, 1985

Teaching Physics: A Guide for the Non-Specialist, J. Osborne and J.Freeman, IOP, 1989

Women in Science: Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century, M. B. Ogilvie, MIT Press, 1986


Central Scientific Company Catalog, 1992-93 , CSC, 1992

PASCO Scientific Catalog, 1991, Pasco Scientific, 1991

Vernier Flyer., Vernier, 1994

COLLEAGUE Collection

Helpful Colleague Directory, Physics Teacher's, CD-ROM Toolkit, 1994


A Physicist's Desk Reference, H.L. Anderson and E. R. Cohen, AIP, 1989

Calendar of Physics Events in History

Equation Dictionary

Journal Annual Indices, AJP. TPT, Physics Today, AIP, AIP, 1933-94

Extended Keyword List

InfoMall Contributor Database

InfoMall Publication Listing

A Physicists Desk Reference

Physics Pfact Potpourri, a collection from George W. Goth

Women in the Scientific Professions

Macintosh and Windows User's Guides


COPES / Science, COPES Project, 1973

Demonstration Handbook for Physics, Freier & Anderson, AAPT, 1981

Laboratory Manual to Accompany Physics Including Human Applications, H. Q Fuller, R. M.Fuller, & R. G. Fuller, Harper & Row, 1978

Physics Demonstrations, Harry H. Kemp, Unpublished Manuscript, 1975

Physics Demonstrations and Experiments for High School, Jones, E Gordon, MSU, 1986

Physics Demonstrations from the Woodrow Wilson Physics Institute, Preston Boomer, compiled by Pat Cannan, WW National Fellowship Foundation

Physics Demonstrations Quickies, H. Gottlieb, ed., self, 1993

Physics Lab Experiments and Correlated Computer Aids, Herbert H. Gottlieb, Metrologic Publications, 1981

Physics Lab Experiments with the Computer, Larry F. Harrison, self, 1993

Recipes for Science, The Science Theatre, Michigan State Univ., 1993

SDI Lab 1, 2, and 3, Richard R. Hake, self, 1993


A Basic Astronomy Library, Andrew Fraknoi, Astronomical Soc. Pacific, 1991

AAPT Electrostatics Workshop, Morse, Toth, & LaBrecque, AAPT, 1991

AAPT Guidelines for High School Physics Programs, AAPT, AAPT, 1986

AIP Style Manual, AIP, AIP, 1990

Analytical Balance (PTM), Aldridge, Waldman, & Arons (AAPT), AAPT, 1975

Bicycle (PTM), DiLavore, AAPT, 1976

Camera (PTM), Aldridge, Waldman and Yoder, AAPT, 1975

Course Content in High School Physics, AAPT, AAPT, 1988

Estes Educator - Physics and Model Rockets, Nolte, Beach & Van Milligan, Estes Indust., 1992

Geiger Counter (PTM), Wilkins, Stone & Guy, AAPT, 1975

Hydraulic Devices (PTM), 1975

Incandescent Lamp (PTM), Aldridge, Barnett, & Waldman, AAPT, 1975

Laser Teaching Supplement, Herbert Gottlieb, 1993

Photodetectors (PTM), Tinker, McWane, AAPT, 1976

Physics Olympics Handbook, Agruso, Escobar & Moore, AAPT, 1984

Resource Kit for New Physics Teachers, Nelson, ed., AAPT, 1985

SensorNet Product Information Brochure, AccuLab Products Group, LEW & Associates, 1992

Solenoid (PTM), Stannard, Strassenburg, & Kousourou, AAPT, 1975

The Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for Women?, Roberta M. Hall and

Bernice R. Sandler, Assoc.of Amer. Coll., 1982

The Multimeter (PTM), Lange, Lugwig, and Benton, AAPT, 1975

The Pressure Cooker (PTM), McWane, John and Smith, Malcom, AAPT, 1975


The Flying Circus of Physics with Answers, Jearl Walker, John Wiley & Sons

Physics Calculations, Max Wittman, World Book Company, 1952

Physics Compu - Sheets, Doug Jenkins, Warren Central High School, 1989

Physics Review Text, Nancy Ann Moreau, N & N Pub. Co. Inc., 1991

Problems in General Physics for College Courses, Masius, McGraw-Hill, 1930

Progressive Problems in Physics, Miller, Fred, D. C. Heath and Company, 1949

Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Physics, Alvin Halpern, McGraw-Hill, 1988


Electricity Visualized: The Castle Project, M. S. Steinberg, et al., PASCO, Roseville, CA, 1990

First Semester Calculus-Based Physics, Day & Winch (ed.), UNL, 1982

Instructor's Guide to the Fascination of Physics, Spears, J. & Zollman, D., Addison-Wesley, 1985

Instructor's Manual for Modern College Physics, White, Harvey, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1972

Second Semester Calculus-Based Physics, Day & Winch (ed.), UNL, 1983

Study Guide to Accom. Physics Includ. Human Applications, Campbell & Fuller, Harper & Row, 1978

Teacher's Guide to the Bicycle, Philip DiLavore, AAPT, 1976

TEACHERS Treasures

Over 300 Teachers Contributions


An Introduction to the Meaning and Structure of Physics, Cooper, L., Harper & Row, 1968

Atomic Age Physics, Semat, H. & White, H. E., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1959

Elementary Modern Physics, Tipler, Paul A., Worth Pub. Co., 1992

Elementary Radiation Physics, Hurst,G. S. & Turner, J. E., John Wiley & Sons, 1970

Energy: Insights from Physics, DiLavore, P., John Wiley & Sons, 1984

Foundations of Modern Physical Science, Holton, G. & Roller, D., Addison-Wesley, 1958

Household Physics , Avery, M., The Macmillan Co., 1955

Introductory Physics: A Model Approach, Karplus, R., W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1969

Modern College Physics, White, H. E., Litton, 1972

Physical Science, Its Structure and Development, Kemble, E. C., MIT Press, 1966

Physics for Science and Engineering, Williams, D. & Spangler, J., Van Nostrand, 1981

Physics for the Inquiring Mind, Rogers, E., Princeton Univ. Press, 1960

Physics Foundations and Frontiers, Gamow, G. & Cleveland, J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960

Physics in the Real World, Lockett, K., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990

Physics Including Human Applications, Fuller, H. Q Fuller, R.M.,& Fuller, R.G., Harper & Row, 1978

Physics: The Excitement of Discovery, Margaret Stautberg Greenwood, 1983

Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity, Taylor, E. F. & Wheeler, J. A., W.H. Freeman & Co., 1992

The Fascination of Physics, Spears, J. & Zollman, D., Addison-Wesley, 1985

The New College Physics: A Spiral Approach, Baez, A. V., W. H. Freeman & Co., 1967

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