Biographical Sketch

Director of Laboratories
Department of Physics
Kansas State University
116 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2603


a.Professional preparation
Purdue University Physics B.S., 1994
University of Nebraska – Lincoln Physics and Astronomy M.S., 1998
University of Nebraska – Lincoln Physics and Astronomy Ph.D.,
August 2001 Area of Specialization: Astronomy and Physics Education Research
University of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville -- Assistant Professor

b. Appointments
Aug 2000 - present: Director of Instructional Support, Kansas State University
1996-2000: Graduate Research Assistant, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
1997-1998: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
1994-1996: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Toledo
1993-1994: Teaching Assistant, Purdue University

c. Publications
"Pre-Course Results from the Astronomy Diagnostic Test," (Hufnagel, Slater, Deming, Adams, Lindell Adrian, Brick and Zeilik.), The Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, (2000).
"K-Band Observations of the Evil Eye Galaxy: Are the Optical and Near-Infrared Dust Albedos Identical," (Witt, Lindell, Block and Evans), Astrophysical Journal, 427:227-231, (1994).

d. Synergistic Activities
Currently supervise all undergraduate teaching laboratories in the department of physics.
Supervise 25 undergraduate and 16 graduate department teaching assistants.
Am currently advisor to KSU Astronomy Club.
(1999-Present) Oversaw public observing sessions with public and area schools.
Won National Teaching Assistant Award of the American Association of Physics Teachers, 1996.

e. Collaborators and other affiliations

(i) Collaborators during the past 48 months
Collaborators on this proposal: D. Alexander (Wichita State U.), D. Besson (U. Kansas), J. Ferguson (Wichita State U.), D. McKay (U. Kansas), J. Ralston (U. Kansas), B. Ratra (Kansas State U.), N.W. Reay (Kansas State U.), R. Sidwell (Kansas State U.), N. Stanton (Kansas State U.).
Other collaborators: J. Adams (Montana State U.), C. Brick (Montana State U.), G. Brissenden (U. Wisconsin), G. Deming (U. of Maryland), T. Foster (Southern Illinois U. Edwardsville), B. Hufnagel (Ann Arundle C.C. & U. of Maryland), T. Slater (Montana State U.), M. Zeilik (U. of New Mexico)

(ii) Graduate and postdoctoral advisors
U. of Toledo (1994-1996): Prof. Adolf Witt
U. of Nebraska (1996-present): Prof. Robert G. Fuller
Kansas State U. (1999-present): Prof. Dean A. Zollman


Copyright Kansas State University 2000 - 2001
Page Updated on November 14, 2001
For Information Contact Dr. Rebecca Lindell
For More Information Concerning this site contact Melanie Bean